Did you know that there are at least 100 ways to use Essential Oils?
1. Calming. Rub Lavender oil on the feet for a calming effect on the body.
2. Sleep Aid. Rub a drop of Lavender oil on your palms and smooth on your pillow to help you sleep.
3. Bee Sting / Insect Bite. Place a drop of Lavender oil on a bee sting or insect bite to stop itching and reduce swelling.
4. Minor Burn. Put 2-3 drops Lavender oil on a minor burn to decrease pain.
5. Cuts. Drop Lavender oil on cut to stop bleeding, clean wound, and eliminate bacteria.
6. Eczema / Dermatitis. Mix several drops of Lavender oil with V-6 Vegetable Mixing Oil and use topically on skin conditions.
7. Motion Sickness. To alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness, place a drop of Lavender oil on end of tongue, behind the ears or around the navel.
8. Nosebleed. To stop a nosebleed, put a drop of Lavender oil on a tissue and wrap it around a small chip of ice. Push the tissue covered ice chip up under the middle of the top lip to the base of the nose and hold as long as comfortable or until the bleeding stops (do not freeze the lip or gum).
9. Unblock Tear Ducts. Rub a drop of Lavender oil over the bridge of the nose to unblock tear ducts.
10. Dry / Chapped Skin. Rub Lavender oil undilute or dilute with organic vegetable or olive oil on dry or chapped skin.
11. Chapped / Sunburned Lips. Add a drop of Lavender oil to your lip balm or cream on chapped or sunburned lips.
12. Scar Tissue. To reduce or minimize the formation of scar tissue, massage Lavender oil on and around the affected area.
13. Deodorant. Rub 2-4 drops Lavender oil over armpit area to act as a deodorant.
14. Hay Fever. Rub a drop of Lavender oil between your palms and inhale deeply to help alleviate the symptoms of hay fever. Lavender is a natural antihistamine.
15. Dandruff. Rub several drops of Lavender oil into the scalp to help eliminate dandruff.
16. Moths & Insects. Place a few drops of Lavender oil on a cotton ball and place in your linen closet to scent linens and repel moths and insects.
17. Water Fountains. Place a drop of Lavender oil in your water fountain to scent the air, eliminate bacteria and prolong the time between cleanings.
18. Sweeten Laundry. Place a few drops of Lavender oil on a wet cloth and throw into the dryer 2 minutes before end of cycle to deodorize and freshen your laundry.
19. Cold Sores. Put a drop of diluted (1:15) Lavender oil on a cold sore.
20. Allergies. Diffuse Lavender oil to alleviate the symptoms of allergies; lavender is a natural antihistamine.
21. Sunburn. Spritz several drops of Lavender oil mixed with distilled water on a sunburn to decrease pain.
22. Rashes. Apply 2-3 drops of Lavender oil to a rash to stop the itching and restore the skin.
23. Concentration. Use 1-2 drops Frankincense oil on temples and back of neck to improve concentration.
24. Immune System. Apply 1-3 drops Frankincense oil on each foot to support and strengthen the immune system.
25. Blisters. Dilute Frankincense oil 50/50 with a carrier oil and apply to a blistered area 3-5 times daily.
26. Insect Bites. Put a drop of Frankincense oil on an insect bite to help reduce swelling and increase the body’s natural defenses.
27. Low mood. Diffuse or inhale from the bottle to help with mood elevation.
28. Brittle Nails. Apply 1-3 drops Frankincense on nails and at base of nails, 3 times per week.
29. Stretch Marks. Rub a few drops of Frankincense oil on stretch marks 2 times a day.
30. Emotional Strength. Rub a few drops of Valor oil over the heart, neck, wrists and on the bottom of each foot to relieve feelings of fear and anxiety.
31. Skin Health. Apply 1-2 drops Frankincense oil on sun damaged skin spots 2 times a day until it disappears.
32. Stiff Neck. Use 2 drops of Deep Relief blend on neck and massage.
37. Joint Pain/Injury. Add a few drops of Valor to a carrier oil and apply to the joints.
38. TMJ. Rub Valor on the jaw before bed and in the morning until pain is relieved.
39. Sciatica. Apply 2 drops of Valor to the heels of feet using pressure (see Vita Flex chart).
40. Indigestion / Flatulence / Diarrhea. Rub 4-6 drops if Peppermint oil in the palm and rub over the stomach and around the naval to relieve indigestion, flatulence and diarrhea.
41. Heartburn. Add a drop of Peppermint oil to herbal tea to aid in digestion and relieve heartburn.
42. Sore muscles (unbroken skin). Massage several drops of Peppermint oil on an area.
43. Injury Bruise (unbroken skin). Apply Peppermint oil immediately to an injured area (not broken skin) — bruised shin, hit on the foot or hand — to relieve pain. If there is a cut, apply the Peppermint oil around but not on the open wound.
44. Fever. Rub several drops of Peppermint oil on the bottoms of the feet to reduce fever. Consult doctor as well.
45. Itching. Apply a drop of Peppermint oil topically on unbroken skin to stop itching.
46. Poison Ivy / Poison Oak. For poison ivy or poison oak, apply Peppermint oil on location neat or dilute with a carrier oil.
47. Working Out. Inhale Peppermint oil before and during a workout to boost your energy and reduce fatigue.
48. Nausea. Massage several drops of Peppermint oil on the abdomen to relieve nausea.
49. Headache. To relieve a headache, rub a drop of Peppermint oil on the temples, forehead, over the sinuses (stay away from the eyes) and on the back of the neck. A very effective tip is to put a small amount on the thumb and apply to the roof of your mouth.
50. Hiccups. To stop hiccups, apply a drop of Peppermint oil on each side of the fifth cervical vertebra (up three notches from the large vertebra at the base of the neck).
51. Alertness/Concentration. Place 2 drops of Peppermint oil on the tongue and rub another drop under the nose to improve alertness and concentration.
52. Concentration / Recall. Diffuse Peppermint oil in the room while studying to improve concentration and accuracy. Inhale Peppermint oil while taking a test to improve recall.
53. Travel Sickness. Rub 4 drops of Peppermint oil on the chest and stomach to alleviate travel sickness.
54. Congestion. Place a drop of Peppermint oil on the tongue and inhale into the nose and sinuses to relieve congestion from a cold.
55. Flavoring / Preservative. Add edible version of Peppermint(+) oil to food as a flavoring and preservative.
56. Rodents / Ants / Cockroaches. To deter rodents, ants or cockroaches, place two drops of Peppermint oil on a cotton ball and place along the path or point of entry for these pests. You can also put a few drops in a spray bottle of water and spray around the baseboards and other areas to repel bugs.
57. Tea as Coffee Substitute. Place a drop of Peppermint+ oil in a cup of hot or cold water and enjoy in place of coffee.
58. Aphids. Add 4-5 drops of Peppermint oil to 4 oz. of water and spray plants to eliminate aphids on plants.
59. Arthritis / Tendonitis. Rub Peppermint oil on joints to relieve arthritis or tendonitis pain.
60. Bad Breath. Place a drop of Peppermint oil on the tongue to stop bad breath. Also address the roots of problem.
61. Curb Appetite. Inhale the fragrance of Peppermint oil to curb the appetite and lessen the impulse to overeat.
62. Ticks. Remove tick by applying a drop of Peppermint oil on a cotton swab and swabbing around the tick, not on it. Wait for it to withdraw its head from the skin and then remove it.
63. Sore Feet. Mix Peppermint oil in a footbath to relieve sore feet. Keep water agitated while soaking feet.
64. Cold & Flu. Diffuse Thieves Oil (in 1/2 hour increments) in room. Rub a drop on the bottom of feet. Put 1 drop of Thieves in a glass of water and drink.
65. Strep Throat. Drop 2-4 drops of Thieves blend in water and gargle as needed. Dilute 50/50 with carrier oil and apply to throat and back of neck, then apply a warm compress.
66. Household Germs. 10% of Thieves Household cleaner in a glass spray bottle and top up with water. Spray and clean counter tops, bathtubs, toilets, sinks, and door knobs etc.
67. Mold. Diffuse Thieves blend (in half hour increments) in basement to eliminate mold and spores or wherever mold is present.
68. Bronchitis. Dilute 50/50 2-6 drops of Thieves with a carrier oil and rub on chest and upper back and apply a warm compress. Diffuse in the room.
69. Fungal Skin & Toe Infections. 1 drop of Thieves on the infection 2 to 3 times a day until gone.
70. Sore Muscles. Apply PanAway oil topically to soothe sore muscles after exercising.
71. Headache. Rub a drop of PanAway oil on the temples, forehead and back of the neck to relieve a headache.
72. Growing Pains. Mix PanAway oil with massage oil and massage on locations to ease growing pains.
73. Arthritis Pain. Rub 1-2 drops of PanAway oil on arthritic hands to lessen pain and restore mobility.
74. Sciatic Pain. Rub 2-3 drops of PanAway oil at the base of the spine to relieve sciatic pain and support the circulatory and nervous system.
75. Arthritis in Pets. For arthritic pets, massage PanAway oil diluted with V-6 vegetable oil on location or add a drop in the food.
76. Sleep. Rub 1-2 drops of Peace & Calming oil on the bottom of the feet and on the shoulders before bedtime to get good quality sleep.
77. Overactive Children. Diffuse Peace & Calming oil in the room (max 3 times a day 15 min) to calm overactive or hard to manage children.
78. Relaxing Massage. Mix Peace & Calming oil with massage oil for a relaxing massage.
79. Relaxing Bath. Put Peace & Calming oil mixed with Bath Gel Base in warm water for a relaxing bath.
80. Teeth Grinding. Diffuse Peace & Calming while sleeping to help stop nocturnal teeth grinding.
81. Air Purifier / Freshener. Diffuse Purification oil to clean the air and neutralize foul or stale odors.
82. Air Purifier / Freshener. Put several drops of Purification oil on a cotton ball and place in the air vents in the home, office, car, hotel room or enclosed areas.
83. Air Purifier / Freshener. While traveling, inhale Purification oil during flights to protect yourself from pathogens found in recirculated air.
84. Insect Bites. Put a drop of Purification oil on insect bites to stop the itching and neutralize venom.
85. Skin Blemishes. Apply a drop of Purification oil on blemishes to clear skin.
86. Sore Throat. Rub a drop of Purification oil on the outside of a sore throat when it is first beginning.
87. Blisters. Apply a drop of Purification oil on a blister to cleanse and disinfect.
88. Sneaker Odours. Put 2 drops of Purification oil on 2 cotton balls and place in the toes of smelly sneakers to combat odours.
89. Humidifier. Place a drop of Purification oil on each end of a cotton swab and place on top of your cold water humidifier to clean the air.
90. Insect Repellant. Spritz several drops of Purification oil mixed with water to repel insects.
91. Cat / Dog Ear Mites. Apply Purification oil and Peppermint or Lavender oil diluted with a carrier oil to a cotton swab and rub just on the edge the ear to eliminate ear mites in cats and dogs.
92. Air Freshener. Put 6 drops of Lemon oil and 6 drops of Purification oil in a squirt bottle mixed with distilled water to use in bathroom as an air freshener.
93. Gum, Oil, Grease Spots and Crayons. Use 1-2 drops of Lemon oil to remove gum, oil, grease spots or crayon.
94. Varicose Veins. Rub several drops of Lemon oil on varicose veins to improve circulation and relieve pressure on the veins.
95. Lemonade. For homemade lemonade, in a blender mix 2 drops of Lemon+ oil, 2 Tbls. of honey or Agave and 2 cups of pure water. Adjust to suite your own taste.
96. Callouses / Bunions / Warts. Rub a drop of Lemon oil on a corn, callous, bunion or wart mornings and evenings until it disappears.
97. Prolong Life of Fresh Fruit. To clean and increase shelf life of fresh fruit, fill a bowl with cool water and 2-3 drops of Lemon oil. Drop cleaned fruit into the water and stir. Be sure all surfaces of the fruit contact the lemon.
98. Counter Tops. Add 2-3 drops of Lemon oil to water and spray counter to sterilize.
99. Dishcloths. Soak your dishcloth overnight in a bowl of water and a few drops of Lemon oil to disinfect and kill germs.
100. Public Bathrooms. Rub a drop of Lemon oil on your hands after using a public bathroom.