Unsettling events …
…bring a lot of drama to our daily life. We react to gruesome news, adverse events in family and things we don’t know how to deal with. We may be easily deceived by ourselves or others. Possessed by desire for material things.Obsessed with our personal image. So what?…
So what?…
Being chronically ungrounded may lead to symptoms like: chronic pain, inflammation, autoimmunity, depression, anxiety, difficulty sleeping.

You may be ungrounded…
…if you:
• Often feel”out of sorts”
• Get distracted easily
• Space out often
• Over-think or ruminate
• Melt down easily
• Engage in personal drama
• Experience anxiety and perpetual worrying
• Constantly check your phone or email
• Can’t stop focusing on “what ifs”

Crystal Parrott creates
amazing recipes for cooking with oils. You can try making at home a no-bake peppermint-coconut bars:
It’s vegan, gluten free and infused with Peppermint + cooking oil.
First layer:
3/4 cup raw almond butter; 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted; 1/3 cup cacao powder; 1/3 cup maple syrup; 2-3 drops of Peppermint+ essential oil; pinch of himalayan salt.
Second layer:
1 2/3 cups dried, unsweetened raw coconut; 3/4 cup coconut butter, softened, 5 table spoons of maple syrup, 4 tablespoons unsweetened coconut milk; 3-4 drops of Peppermint+

The simplest way to grounding oneself are walks/hikes in Nature.
We connect with all living things by immersing in forest, walking on the beach, hiking trails of the parks, walking barefoot, hugging a tree, sitting on a big rock, gardening, staring at the clouds while lying on grass…
Other ways of grounding are dancing, drumming or meditating with focus on the rhythm of breath.

Mint bars recipe continues:
Third layer:
1/3 cup almonds, coarsly chopped
Ganache topping:
1/2 cup cacao powder, 1/2 cup agave; 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
Whisk all ingredients of 1st layer and pour into an oiled and parchment-lined 8×8″ glass pan.
2nd layer: If making your own coconut butter, blend 3 cups of unsweetened raw coconut in a high-powered blender until smooth. In a bowl, combine the rest of this layer ingredients, pat over 1st layer, being careful not to mix the two layers together. Top with 3rd layer.
Topping: Mix ganache ingredients, drizzle over bars to decorate, refrigerate to set before cutting.
In the pic above: Video on Flavoured ice cubes
Restore your energy with bioenergetics
One of the recent online Health Summits discussed ways of restoring ones energy with just bioenergetics – tricks you can do restore or stop draining your energy. Very interesting read from Harry Massey ans Steve McCardell. Sometimes pharmaceuticals or dietary and supplement solutions are not enough. Over-prescribed medications are not helping with energy. Take a look at what Bio-energetics can do.
Oral Health and EOs
Rarely found online guide to oral health, using essentila oils.
When using essential oils be careful not to over-do anything. Keep in mind – when you buy a bottle it is highly concentrated essential oil – always dilute and when used internally or in mouth – be sure to observe exect directions and start slow. Buy pure oils!