
You can’t handle the truth


You can’t handle the truth @scottf… Is it easy to be a coach in a world where political media is constantly inventing new expressions as a ‘correct’ language, smooth things over for trauma survivors to keep them in imaginary reality as in an always empathetic world? After all they only mess up their own future… It may sound like a sarcasm, but is it, really?
What do you do when a person’s body language and actions deny what comes out of their mouth all the time? Subconsciously we receive the body language first, before we hear what this person says. Do you glance over and go your own way? Attempt to help them? Talk to their “coach” to shed some light on other ways to heal trauma than baby-chatting survivor for ever?

It’s pretty obvious that a warm blanket of empathy and sympathy and all kind of help is needed at the beginning. But what does it do when it teaches them nothing but taking advantage of situations ever after or just being stuck in a loop of flashbacks? Doesn’t it instill the “victim mentality”, and most likely destroys their future of independent, bravely satisfactory and happy living?
Have you watched this film (The Ex, 2022)? In it, the guy’s modus operandi is pretending to be paralyzed, in a wheelchair, and bending everyone around to play by his criteria to claim continuously success in career and love, after he realized how differently he was treated when he briefly needed a wheelchair in the past, and how in the end his life has been completely destroyed by it?

What would you say to that, Scott (not that I need others’ approval)?! YOU requested to message me, to fold me into a “suport group” (isn’t it what it is, Scott?) you organized for one of your proteges. And when I offered him a tip to help this person in another way, he called me a bad name and blocked me, oh my! However, a “gift” of bad energy does not have to be accepted, as I learned a long time ago.

What may have shattered me for a good few days, I let go by loosely, flowing into the air and observing it disappear. Yeah! I had, like everybody else, my share of bad events, however I did not let them define me. I am not a ‘survivor’. I live happy life after I did not let dark forces break me. Several lessons taught me to get entrenched in social life, not accept gifts of bad energy, oh, and be aware of my postures and voice to feel good (Thanks Roger Love!!! for voice training and Vishen Lakhiani!!! for confidence and intuition training, and Lewis Howes!!! for School of Greatness, and you, Mom!!! for eternal optimism), to enjoy all I want to do, independent, happy and bright. I don’t need a newspeak to prop me up. I don’t blame anyone and everyone for whatever happened to me in the past. You may try that… with a person you want to help.

You may also think that I am from another planet, but I live right here, among all of you. You’ll recognize me by my unrestrained smile.

Trauma Life

Trauma Life™ is a natural blend of pure Sandalwood, Helichrysum, Rose, and other essential oils designed to offer support during difficult emotional exploration. This blend has a calm, grounding aroma that can help inspire release negative emotions and create a sense of balance when diffused. Ingredients: Royal Hawaiian™ sandalwood, Frankincense oil, Valerian root oil, Black spruce leaf oil, Artemisia pallens† (Davana) flower oil, Lavender oil, Geranium flower oil, Helichrysum flower oil, Citrus hystrix leaf extract, Rose flower oil.

Winter with essential oils

Winter can be a difficult season on your physical and emotional health. The days are shorter, it is cold in most parts of the country, and colds and the flu are more prevalent.
Support the Body’s Natural Defenses:

Black Friday 2022

Variety of items of this well known for quality, brand are on sale until end of week.
My favourites are definitely beautiful and very technologically advanced diffusers, tote and wristlets bags, rolling pin for baking, DiGize essential oil, Citrus Fresh and Harmony blends.
Also cute gifts for kids – check for yourself!

About Testosterone

In honor of National Testosterone Awareness Day, Young Living wanted to provide some facts, lifestyle choices, and favorite products that highlight the importance of this hormone in ensuring the body’s proper functioning and to provide four ways to naturally support your testosterone levels or T levels.

Improving diet helps to support testosterone. Learn how.

Hope has a voice

Created in collaboration with The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation, this complex bouquet of exquisite floral, grounding, and woodsy premium essential oils supports the Foundation’s effort to end exploitation worldwide.

“It’s important to tell yourself: I am loved, I am worthy of abundance, I am worthy of health, I am worthy of respect, I am worthy of love; I am worthy of… whatever is important to you.” ~Maria Da Silva. And then remember to keep posture and voice to match it, so your body really believes it on a physiological level.

How grateful I am to be fully me, today!